Solving pain, simply.

Pain relieving videos,
taught by a rehab doctor.

The Bockmann Technique is a radical rethinking of why muscle & joint pain happens, how to fix it yourself, and how to keep it from coming back.

“Over the last 19 years in practice, I’ve taught thousands
of patients how to get out of pain & stay that way.
Let me show you what I showed them!”

-Dan Bockmann, DC



What is the Bockmann Technique?

  • The Bockmann Technique combines stretching, exercise, and massage in unique and focused ways to quickly eliminate pain and restore your FULL mobility.

    You CAN escape your pain.

    It doesn’t matter how many doctors have failed to help you. In fact, my favorite patients in my office are the ones who tell me, “No one else has been able to fix me.”


The Bockmann Technique is fast, effective, and anyone can do it. Avoid unnecessary surgeries. Let me show you the way to a healthy, fully mobile, pain-free life.  

*Light to moderate exercise, stretching and massage are safe and beneficial for most people. But if you’re unsure of your health status,
have multiple health problems or are pregnant, speak with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, including this one.


    • Watch a Sneak Preview...

      Our bodies are fantastically complex, and understanding how they work (and why they “break”) can seem impossible.

      But I’ve created a series of “shortcuts” you can use that quickly identify the cause of your pain, and automatically tell you how to fix it.

      For example, cars are complex machines. You may not know anything about the mechanics of a car, but you can drive it.

      Why? Because operating that complicated vehicle only requires using 3 simple controls: The gas, the brake & the steering wheel.

      The Bockmann Technique is the same thing, but for your body “vehicle”.

      Once you know how to identify the true cause of your pain, and plug in the right “fix” for it, improvements can be immediate, powerful and long-lasting.

    Why Should You Trust the Bockmann Technique?

    • As you’ve probably noticed, there’s no shortage of “gurus” online claiming their product, pill or exercise program can get you out of pain.

      Health advice on the internet -- even when it comes from doctors or well-known sources -- can be vague, confusing or even contradictory.

      In fact, trying to research your pain or injury online can leave you even more confused and worried than you were before.

      Here’s what I can promise you.

    Trying the Bockmann Technique is risk-free. If you’re not seeing significant improvement in 30 days (and that means significant to YOU!), you have a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

    I’m THAT confident in my programs.

    Here’s why.

    I’ve been in private practice here in Austin for over 19 years, using my technique to get thousands of patients out of pain.

    Using this technique, our average treatment plan for our patients is 3 VISITS.
    That’s it. Not months of physical therapy and thousands of dollars.

    I tell my patients, “Each of our visits is a “mini-class” on how to fix yourself when you’re not here.”

    And that’s what the Bockman Technique is -- the “home version” of exactly what I teach my patients in my office.

    It works for them, and I fully expect it to work for you.

    And if it doesn’t, you may ask? Well, at least it cost you nothing, and it’s always possible that there’s something else contributing to your pain. That’s when it’s a good idea to go back to your doctor.

    It’s always better to find out quickly what’s wrong, so you can get back on the path to recovery right away --
    not waiting for months and just hoping you’ll start to feel better.

    What’s in My Videos?

    Everything I know about eliminating pain and restoring mobility.


    Videos of the most effective pain-relieving stretches I use with patients, with exact instructions, demonstrated by a live model, so you can easily follow along. (My stretches are much different than the ones you’ve likely seen before!)


    Slow, safe exercises that target the most needed areas. No weights or machines required -- just some cheap & commonly available tools like a Swiss ball, foam roller, elastic bands, etc. (No gym membership necessary! You can easily follow my programs in the privacy of your own home.)


    Learn how to use a foam roller and self-massage CORRECTLY to speed recovery.
    If massage has always been painful for you, I show you why, and how to fix that!



    What Our Clients Say...

    • I came to see Dr. Bockmann for a hip injury I sustained while training for a boxing match. He was able to rehabilitate my injury quickly and not causing me to miss too much time prior to my fight. Without his expertise and knowledge, I do not know if I would have fought and won!

      In addition to rehabilitating my hip, he has given me a list of exercises to work on injury prevention in the future. If you are looking for a chiropractor, I highly recommend him!

      Casey C.

    • Dr. B is a legend! Great person all around – very knowledgeable,
      great listener, explains injuries and the “homework”
      (to fix the injury) plain and simple.

      His approach and demeanor gave me the confidence that not only would he help me heal quickly, that I would also leave with the tools and knowledge to prevent the injury from reoccurring. He’s earned my trust and respect as a healer and professional. Thank you, Dr. B!

      Michael W.

    • Thorough, thoughtful and knowledgeable.

      Dr. Bockmann was able to get me back to 100% in just 2 days. Awesome!

      Jan B.

    • “Dr. Bockmann has participated in the care of numerous mutual patients over the last 8 years, including a significant number of my post-operative patients requiring physical therapy and functional rehab.

      I cannot say enough about the results I have seen. My patients are consistently happy with how quickly they recover, and I will continue to send him patients.”

      Steven A Walters

    It's Time to Get Back to Being You!

    All of these things are possible. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a stay at home mom, a business executive, an Olympic athlete or a grandmother. People all over the world use the Bockmann Technique to get relief from pain, and resume the active life they love. And you can, too!
    If you fix the problems that are causing your pain, it means that you can:


    Get rid of your pain quickly and easily. ~80% of our patients in our office get significant relief from pain in just 3 sessions by using this technique.


    Save all that money you would have spent on your copay and your deductible. The average physical therapy or chiropractic treatment plan costs around 400% more than the Bockmann Technique. And you own the Bockmann Technique forever!


    Wouldn’t it be nice to feel so good, that you actually forget about the pain you used to have?


    Take up hiking, biking, running, yoga, weight-lifting or bootcamps, and know that your body will feel strong and energized afterward -- not leave you tired and broken down for the rest of the week.


    Pick up your kid, or play with them on the floor. Carry the groceries in from the car. Do all the everyday things you used to do — but pain-free!


    Finish your workday feeling strong, accomplished, happy, and loose.


    Sleep through the night again, wake up rested and refreshed, and hop out of bed with a smile.


    Learn how easy it can be to keep your pain from coming back in the future, without needing expensive and toxic medications, pricey equipment or endless doctors’ visits.